Being Seen Clearly
When we simply bask in the authentic radiant expression of another and sit still in allowance and free of judgment — the magic of synchronistic unified expression is unleashed.
With the stillness of this action comes great power — for the observing, the observer and the observed. As men, when we observe without wanting to change or bend we are allowing the feminine to be seen safely. She feels unhindered and therefore may show up fully.
Loving from a place of trust, surrender, truth and deeply profound reverence for what is unfolding in front of you allows the other to just be without over-complicated and excessive thought that may block the intuitive heart from expressing — one of the greatest gifts of the feminine essence.
There is almost nothing greater and of deeper truth than the unfolding of unbridled and unadulterated magnificence in front of you and to not judge, critique or be attached to ‘should’s’.
Just being with what is and assimilating the real and present value of what is being given is a gift of the divine feminine to the cosmic masculine. She may only give her soul and body in this way when man is consistent in his presence and safe in his demeanor.
Men allow your woman to be her most beautiful, expressive and vulnerable self. Beautiful women, allow your men to fall, pick up, protect, guide and be in stillness. Trust that they will return to stable. This ‘allowing’ frees us from attachment to pain and extreme expressions of an individuated self.
We become unified and whole as we dance to each other’s core essences. We are them able to allow ourselves to be seen — not from desperation and insecurity but rather openness and curiosity. This becomes healing for the planet and the masculine and feminine Archetypical wounding that plagues our psyche at the unconscious levels.
One is glad of service.