Close Your Eyes — Open Your Soul
Imagine moving close to the one that tantalises the sensation of alertness on your skin, but not too close.
Visualise your body making ever the slightest of contact on the body of your beloved for the first time, then immediately pulling away.
Feel your breath become more rapid with anticipation.
Your lungs opening.
Your voice deepening.
Your sexuality ‘rising’ in profound awareness and presence.
Envision your lips ever so dry from the tension of anticipation of giving, receiving, entering and allowing.
Conjure in your mind’s eye and in your heart’s heart of hearts your lips making contact — ever so gently, yet being so dry that they wish not to part and as they do, there is a magnetism that holds them longer and longer.
Conceive deeply undressing your beloved for the first time (every time) and hearing the cloth that drapes their naked body slide off of them like silk on polished steel.
Imagine drawing closer… and closer… and closer… until you are closer than you ever have been without physical contact… now close your eyes and feel with your heart.
Hear the beating heart become more prevalent. Hear the breath deepen and moan. Feel the heat and gentle warmth emanating from their body.
Capture the scent of pheromone in the air as they begin to imagine penetration, seduction, allowing and openness.
STOP… feel fully your own body, your own fire, your own heart. Are you sovereign? Yes, yes you are. Are you connected? Yes, yes you are. Are you one? Yes, yes you are.
Open your eyes… what do you SEE standing before you? What are you witnessing? You are experiencing the fullness of yourself embodied through this moment like nothing you have ever witnessed.
You are merged, you are whole. You always have been whole, you always have been connected — cosmically, unbound, free and omnipresent.
You draw closer, now making full contact. Pressing firm against each other, wanting to crawl in to each other’s skin. To feel fully the other like never before.
His firmness felt. Her softness yearned for.
Her openness craved for. His presence salivated over.
His penetrative gaze received. Her welcoming given.
Eyes locked, bodies in alignment, the vessel ready to exchange, the mind ready to explore the chasms of the cosmos, the heart ready to pour and to be poured in to a love like never before and the soul ready to be met.
Take your time, for time is to be given in order to be taken…
One is always glad to be of service.